How cycling headphones make solo rides more interesting
Cycling on your own, particularly on long endurance rides, can be lonely. Listening to music can make you feel more lively and motivated, a cycling-related podcast can replace the conversation with friends. You might wonder how safe you are cycling with headphones if you can’t hear the traffic around you. But fear not, with open-ear bone conduction cycling headphones you can hear ambient sound while still listening to music.
Is it safe to use cycling earphones?
Many people worry that restricting one of our key senses, our hearing, makes cycling less safe. You can not hear cars coming up behind you or the audio alerts of vehicles reversing. A lot of cyclists believe cycling with headphones is a complete no-no, which is a shame as we know listening to music during exercise can boost performance.
Listening to anything can distract you from the road, whether you are a bike rider or a driver listening to the radio. But with AfterShokz headphones there is nothing blocking or covering your ear canal, so you can still hear and be fully engaged with your surroundings as well as listening to your earphones. If you want to ride with headphones After-Shokz open-ear design helps to make it safer for you.
How bone conduction cycling headphones work
Unlike traditional earbuds or earphones that use speakers to transmit sound, AfterShokz uses patented bone conduction technology. Transducers send mini vibrations through the cheekbones and deliver sound directly to the inner ear, bypassing the eardrum.
With nothing in or over your ears they are amazingly comfortable, even when worn for a long-time. The audio quality is fantastic, it's hard to believe until you try it! You can hear your music or podcast whilst not losing any of your situational awareness.
How to wear AfterShokz cycling earphones with your helmet
AfterShokz cycling headphones are designed with a secure fit that doesn't get in the way of your helmet or riding glasses. We find the best way is to put your helmet on first and do up the straps, then position your AfterShokz ear hook, followed by your glasses.
AfterShokz Aeropex are our flagship sports headphones. With high quality design, water resistance, Bluetooth connection and amazing sound quality they are the best headphones for cycling.

What makes a good cycling music playlist?
Music when you are cycling can lift your mood, create a distraction from boredom and inspire you to push harder. The best cycling playlists are created for the type of ride you intend to do. If it's supposed to be a gentle recovery ride you are best to avoid the high-adrenaline tracks with a fast beat that encourage you to smash out the efforts!
On the other hand, if you need encouragement to push yourself then music with a higher tempo, measured in beats per minute, bpm, will serve you better. For interval workouts 135-140bpm is perfect. There is more advice on choosing the correct tempo here.
If you are going to wear headphones on your ride it is a great opportunity to turn-up the volume on all those guilty pleasure tracks that you are too embarrassed to play when other people can hear! The songs that motivate us the most are often cheesy old-classics that we secretly still love!
Our pick of the best cycling podcasts
An undeniable feature of endurance cycling is boredom. Any practitioner of sportives, road-racing or Ironman triathlon knows that training means long hours in the saddle. However motivated or enthusiastic you are it can become tedious. Steady pace training rides are mentally often the hardest, and this is where a decent podcast comes in.
Listening to chat and banter of presenters takes your mind off what you are doing on your bike and provides welcome companionship. Unlike music, where the bpm can subconsciously encourage you to change your pace, talk-shows make it easier to stick to a set effort level.
There are loads of cycling podcasts ranging from the serious to the funny. For racing insights and general pro cycling gossip you can't go wrong with The Cycling Podcast. Richard Moore, Lionel Birnie and Daniel Friebe have been around pro cycle racing for decades, they have great access and know their stuff. As they have known each other for years they are able to riff off each other, which makes for a pacy, and occasionally funny, listen.
Watt's Occurring with Luke Rowe and Geraint Thomas is the closest you can come to hanging out with pro riders. It's funny and irreverent but also chock full of inside knowledge and cycling experience. We eagerly anticipate each new episode!
Our favourite cycling audiobooks
There are a host of top-selling cycling books available on Audible so you can take your pick from training manuals to memoirs. In our experience you don't want to listen to anything that requires too much deep concentration so we'd opt for something like The World of Cycling According to G. It's engaging but fairly easy listening.
On a long ride you could select endurance phenomenon Sean Conway for company, his book Big Mile Cycling will both keep you amused and offer up some valuable tips.
Choosing cycling wireless headphones for audio
Whatever you choose to listen to make sure you are doing it with the best wireless headphones for cycling. Check out Aeropex and Xtrainerz. Aeropex are our flagship cycling earphones, UK riders love them and for triathletes Xtrainerz are perfect for swim, run and bike activities. Find out what one athlete thinks here
Make your next long-ride more interesting and enjoyable with motivational tunes, funny podcasts and your favourite AfterShokz headphones!